The Blues is My Business

Blue Sadhana presents a compact disc collection of ten original acoustic blues songs performed by James R. Newell. Songs include: The Blues is My Business; The Death of Robert Johnson; Messin' With the Wrong Fool; Cold Chill; That's just the Way I Do, and more.

To order The Blues is My Business audio cassette please print out the order form below, fill it out and mail it to: James R. Newell, 321 50th Avenue North, Nashville, TN 37209.  Make all checks payable to James R. Newell.


Please send _____ copies of The Blues is My Business at $15.00 per copy.  Please add $2.50 shipping for the first CD, $1.00 for each additional CD.




Make check or money order payable to:  

James R. Newell 
321 50th Avenue North
Nashville, TN 37209 

 The above shipping rates are for orders for the USA and Canada. Please double the rates for foreign orders.



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